Adult life groups
We have three groups that meet, each creating community for those in a different life stage. Each group meets up to explore the Bible and share life with each other, as well as other social events.

Young Adults' life group
When: Every Tuesday, 6:30pm
Where: Someone's house
Who for: Ages 18-35

Older Adults' life group
When: Wednesdays, 2:15pm or 7:30pm alternating
Where: Church building
Who for: Mainly ages 36+, youngers also welcome

Monday Fellowship
When: First Monday of the month, usually 2pm
Where: Church building
Who for: Mainly ages 65+, youngers also welcome
Children & youth
Children and youth are an important part of our family, so there are activities for them too.

Children's Zoom
When: Most Wednesday evenings at 7pm
Where: Online (on Zoom)
Who for: Ages 7-11

Youth life group
When: Usually on Wednesday, currently looking for a leader
Where: Church building
Who for: Ages 12-18

Sunday School
When: Sundays during 10:45am service
Where: Church building
Who for: Ages 3-6 and 7-11